Cumulative Index
Vols. 1, 2 and 3
By: Editors
Vol. 1 (1979, Serial Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4
Vol. 2 (1980), Serial Numbers 5, 6, 7, 8
Vol. 3(1981), Serial Numbers 9, 10, 11, 12
(Last number of listing is page number)
Barnhart, P., ETI in Classroom, 9, 16
Basler, R.P., SETI from Space, 4, 41
Berendzen, R., Cosmic Perspective, 1, 36: 11, 22; The Case for SETI, 2, 25
Billingham, J., NASA and Exploration of Space, 5, 17
Bracewell, R. N., Man's Role in the Galaxy, 2, 48
Cocconi, G., and Morrison, P., Search for Interstellar Communication, 1, 4
Cousins, N., Rendevous with Infinity, 1, 30
David. L, Putting Best Signal Forward, 7, 2
Drake, F. D., SETI, 8, 7; Biological Immortality and SETI, 7, 9; Klingons Became Chimeras, 9, 9; When Brightest is Farthest, 12, 7
Dunwoody, S., Scientific Writing, 8, 8
Freitas, R. A., Cereal Box Syndrome, 11, 16
Kardashev, N., Strategies of SETI: I, 7, 36; II: 8, 4
Kraus, J., We Wait and Wonder, 3, 31
Laurie, J., Science in Mass Media, 7, 39
Michaud, M. A. G., Extraterrestrial Politics, 3, 11
O'Neill, G. K., Space Colonization and SETI 2, 16
Öpik, E. J., Space Travel, Life Beyond Earth, I: 10, 2; II 11, 10
Papagiannis, M. SETI, Joint Session, IAU, 5, 24
Sagan, C., Quest for ETI, 2, 2
Sakurai, K., SETI in Japan, 12, 16
Smith, M. S., Political Realities, 7, 30
Sullivan W., What if We Succeed, 1, 37
Trimble, V., Where Are They, 6, 20
Van Horn, R. H., Knowledge Is Our Destiny, 12, 13
von Puttkamer, J. Where Is Everybody? 13, 43; Are We Alone, 4, 30
von Hoerner, S., SETI, 1, 40
Stine, G. H., Space Industrialization, 6, 26
Tinsley, B. A., Technical Development and Colonization, 8, 10
Wills, D., Martian Safari, 12, 4
Historical Perspectives:
Bell, T. E., Idea of Extraterrestrial Life, 5, 2
Berman, L., What It Was Like before Ozma, 4, 17
Brown, G. H., Marconi, 6, 6
Drake, F. D., A Reminiscence of Project Ozma, 1, 10; On Intelligence: A Wave of the Past and Future, 10, 5
Good, I. J., The Chief Entities, 6, 13
Lago, D., Circles of Stone and Circles of Steel, 2, 10; A Hymn to Life in the Universe, 4, 21
Morrison, P., Twenty Years After, 1, 7
Astronomy and Cosmology:
Bahng, J., Spectral Classification of Stars, 9, 2
Clarke, A. C., Trouble in Aquila, 1, 22
Dodson, W. R., Next Best Thing to Being There, 10, 10
Fowler, W. A., Age of the Universe, 11, 4
Holland, E., What Makes Atoms Tick, 10, 6
Kraus, J., Strange Radiation from Above, 5, 20
Van Horn, R. H., Olber's Paradox, 12, 20
Wheeler, J. A., From Big Bang to Big Crunch, 4, 2
Chemistries of Life:
Asimov, L, Not as We Know It, 9, 5
Lovelock, J. E., Recognition of Alien Biospheres, 8, 2
Rothstein, J., Generalized Life, 2, 35
Rubin, R., Universal Chemical Evolution, 9, 10
Tarter, J., Life in the Universe, 6, 19
Trimble, V., It's a Nice Place To Visit, 5, 13
Cosmic Communication:
Arbib, M. A., Psychology of Interstellar Communication, 3, 21
Cocconi, G., and Morrison, P., Interstellar Communication, 1, 4
Fleury, B. E., Dolphins as Analogs, 6, 2
Freudenthal, H., Towards a Cosmic Language, 5, 35
Kuttner, R. E., Nature of Extraterrestrial Communication, 10, 20
Lago, D., In the Time Machine, 6, 30; Toward a Cosmic Brain, 11, 6
Oliver, B. M., Bio-Cosmology, New NASA Thrust, 3, 16
Pasachoff, J.M., and Kutner, M. L., Neutrinos for Interstellar Communications, 3, 2
Rhodes, W. A., Intra-terrestrial Intelligence, 10, 22
Tarter, J., Communication with ETI, 6, 18
Radio and Radar Astronomy:
Burnell, S. J. B., Little Green Men, White Dwarfs or Pulsars, 1, 16
Jansky, C. M. Jr., My Brother, Karl Jansky, 4, 12
Kraus, J., Diana Waves Back, 7, 27; The First 50 Years: 12, 8
Pankonin, V., Allocationg The Radio Spectrum, 6, 10
ABCs of Space:
Galactic perspective, cosmic perspective, probabilities, wavelengths, 1, 32
Solar system, galaxy, waterholes, unique or average, bandwidth, 2, 39
Star spectra, wavelengths, range, 3, 36
Doppler effect, big bang, mass-size chart, cosmic temperature, cosmic calendar, 4, 25
Gravity waves, solar system signature, 5, 28
Black holes, age of universe, waves, 6, 32
Earth's rings, full spectrum astronomy, redshifts, 7, 16
Universe in 7 steps (steps 2, 3 and 4), 8, 16
Steps, 5, 6 and 7, 9, 20
Spanning space, 10, 14
What is gravity? 11, 18
Infra-red and ultra-violet, 12, 24
College Courses 3, 41; 4, 39; 5, 46; 6, 38; 7, 40; 9, 15; 10, 12; 11, 9
Cosmic Search and SETI, 1, 2
Science and the Multitudes, 1, 3
SETI Through Congress, 2, 15
With the Editors, 3, 10
Stars on Radio, 3, 15
Grand Designs of Past, Present and Future, 4, 11
Technology and Future of Our Civilization, 6, 10
To All Cosmic Searchers, 8, 1
From Editor's Kitchen Table, 9, 1
Planet Earth Spins On, 11, 3
Editor's Statement, 12, 3
E.P.F. Reports: 8, 12; 9, 24; 10, 19; 12, 15
In Review:
American Astronautical Society, Commercial Operations in Space, 11, 13
American Astronautical Society, Shuttle/Space Lab, 11, 13
Asimov, I., Is Anybody Out There? 6, 17
Clarke, A. C., Fountains of Paradise, 7, 43
Cornell, J., First Stargazers, 12, 14
Engdahl, S. L., Planet-Girded Suns, 2, 47
Goldsmith, D., and Owen, T., Search For Life in the Universe, 7, 42
Goldsmith, D., Quest for Extraterrestrial Life, 12, 14
Grey, J., Enterprise, 5, 34
Hoffman, D., Reflections (film), 8, 18
Sagan, C., et. al., Murmers of Earth, 3, 40
Twain, Mark, Capt. Stormfields Visit to Heaven, 10, 17
Wald. G., Why Is the Universe the Way It Is? 2, 47
von Braun, W., and Ordway, F. L, Discoveries from Solar System, 7, 11
Off the Shelf: 1, 46; 2, 52; 3, 42; 4, 47; 5, 48; 6, 12; 7, 35; see 4, 50 and 8, 20 for more detailed listings.
People and Places:
Alcock, George E., 11, 13
Bell, Trudy E., 6, 13
Burbidge, Margaret, 10, 16
Brown, George E, 8, 13
Brown, Governor, 12, 18
Cousins, Norman, 8, 13; 7, 43.
Dixon, Robert S., 10, 19; 12, 22
Frosch, Robert A., 8, 13
Gatewood, George, 8, 13
Gearhart, Miriana, 12, 22
Giacconi, Richard, 11, 13
Glenn, John, 11, 12
Fuller, Buckminster, 12, 18
Hesburgh, Theodore, 8, 13; 10, 18; 11, 12
Kron, Richard, 11, 13
Kuzmin, S. O., 12, 18
Morrison, Phillip, 9, 22
Moses, Robert, 12, 18
Mueller, George E., 9, 22
Oliver, Bernard, 11, 12; 10, 18
O'Neill, Gerard K., 11, 12
Papagiannis, Michael, 12, 18
Penzias and Wilson, 2, 30
Sagan, Carl, 8, 13; 9, 22; 12, 18
Saturn, 12, 18
Schmidtke, Paul, 12, 22
Solar power, 12, 18
Sonneborn, George, 10, 19
Sullivan, Walter, 7, 43
Thompson, Dietrich, 11, 13
Troitsky, V. S., 12, 18
Wilford, John N., 8, 13
Roadmap of Heavens: 12, 22
Planets. Shklovsky, funding, frequencies, Bracewell, hologrpahy, solar power, 1, 25
Frequencies, Penzias and Wilson, range, bandwidths, 2, 30
Planets, Mars, Chemotons, computers, SETI hearings. 3, 26
Gravity waves, pulsed signals, ultra-c, great galactic rings, viruses, planets, 4, 36
NASA-Ames SETI Conference report, on-the-air SETI programs, 5, 40
Flag of Earth, Jovian moon, finger prints, gravity waves, STARTAPES, quantum theory, 6, 44
Gravitational lens, black holes, Metalaw, chain of life bibliography, occulations, Earth life, 7, 44
Dinosaurs, ultra-c, black hole, 8, 14
Project Oasis, SETI song, 9, 19
Garbage dumps, 10, 13
People or machines, Russian SETI, 11, 8
Unseen Neighbors, 12, 21