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North American AstroPhysical Observatory (NAAPO)

Issue 7 Cover

Cosmic Search: Issue 7
(Volume 2 Number 3; Summer (July, Aug., Sept.) 1980)
[Article in magazine found on page 35]

Off the Shelf
By: Mirjana Gearhart

Space, the Future, and the Search for Intelligent Life beyond the Earth have always fascinated Man, as can be seen by the thousands upon thousands of books and articles written since the days of ancient Greece. In this, and future issues of COSMIC SEARCH, selected books and other publications are presented for interested readers. Space prevents inclusion of more than a few in each issue, but we believe that in these references, both old and new, you will find much that will add to your knowledge, understanding and enjoyment.

Hanbury Brown, MAN AND THE STARS, 1979, Oxford University Press, Oxford, England (180 pgs., hardbound). A lively look at Man's preoccupation with the heavens and the stars.

Robert Burnham, Jr., BURNHAM'S CELESTIAL HANDBOOK, VOLUMES 1, 2, and 3, 1975, Dover Publications, Inc., New York, New York (2138 pgs., paperbound). From the constellation Andromeda to Velpecula, the Burnham handbooks provide the amateur and professional astronomer with detailed observing notes on the constellations.

E. Edelson, WHO GOES THERE? THE SEARCH FOR INTELLIGENT LIFE IN THE UNIVERSE, 1979, Doubleday and Company, Garden City, New York (127 pgs., hardbound). Another look at the various searches for life beyond the Solar System.

Richard P. Hallion and Tom D. Crouch, eds., APOLLO: TEN YEARS SINCE TRANQUILITY BASE, 1979, Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C. (174 pgs., paperbound). A retrospective look at the dynamics and logistics of committing a nation's resources to getting men on the moon in less than a decade.

Fred Hapgood, SPACE SHOTS: AN ALBUM OF THE UNIVERSE, 1979, Times Books, New York, N.Y. (78 pgs., paperbound). A breathtaking camera's eye view of sites seen by men in space as well as by satellites and exploratory probes.

Garrett Hardin, NATURE AND MAN'S FATE, 1961, Mentor Books, New York, N.Y. (320 pgs., paperbound). A biologist presents a comprehensive study of heredity, evolution and how they will affect man's future on earth.

Robert Jastrow, RED GIANTS AND WHITE DWARFS: MAN'S DESCENT FROM THE STARS, 1979, W.W. Norton and Company, New York, N.Y. (266 pgs., hardbound). A physicist discusses the origin of the Universe.

Glenn G. Strickland, GENESIS REVISITED, 1979, Dial Press, New York, N.Y. (178 pgs., hardbound). The story of how life on earth began. This text is well-referenced and easy to read.

Robert M. Wald, SPACE, TIME AND GRAVITY, 1977, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois (131 pgs., hardbound). A brief introduction to the concepts of geometry of time and space and both general and special relativity. This is a good basic book for those not interested in a rigorous treatment of such difficult concepts.

C.C. Wunder, LIFE INTO SPACE: AN INTRODUCTION TO SPACE BIOLOGY, 1967, F.A. Davis Publishing Company, Philadelphia, Pa. (296 pgs., hardbound). A book detailing the existence of life in space — its chemical and biological origins and some of the implications life in space may have for life here on Earth.

Louise B. Young, EARTH'S AURA, 1977, Avon Books, New York, N.Y. (294 pgs., paperbound). A fascinating tour of the atmosphere — from the auroral phenomena to the sirocco winds affecting the Sahara Desert. A definitive volume recreating man's attempts at studying the fragile coccoon of atmosphere that keeps him alive.


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Last modified: April 27, 2006.