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Issue 7 Cover

Cosmic Search: Issue 7
(Volume 2 Number 3; Summer (July, Aug., Sept.) 1980)
[Miscellaneous items found throughout the magazine]

Miscellaneous Items
Webpage Table of Contents (Bookmarks)
(Internal links to categories of items in this webpage)

Information About the Publication
(Editorial Board, Editors, Table of Contents)

Graphic of Cosmic Search Logo

Editors, and Others Involved in the Publication

Editor: John Kraus, Director, Ohio State University Radio Observatory.

Co-Editor: Mirjana R. Gearhart, Research Astronomer, Ohio State University Radio Observatory.

Co-Editor: Robert S. Dixon, Assistant Director, Ohio State University Radio Observatory

Business Manager: Sylvia Raub

Assistants: David Raub, Norman Gearhart, Alice Kraus, Harold DeVries, Ann Cole, Janice Kraus, Richard Arnold, Wendy McKenna, Jerry Ehman, Elsa Damon, Lesly Arnold.

Editorial Board

  • Richard Berendzen, President, The American University
  • John Billingham, Director SETI Program, NASA-AMES Research Center
  • Ronald Bracewell, Director, Radio Astronomy Observatory, Stanford University
  • Thomas A. Clark, NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center
  • Arthur C. Clarke, Sri Lanka, author of "2001, A Space Odyssey"
  • Norman Cousins, Chairman, Editorial Board, SATURDAY REVIEW
  • Frank D. Drake, Director, National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center (Arecibo), Cornell University
  • Robert E. Edelson, SETI Project Manager, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
  • Donald S. Hall, Director, Strasenburgh Planetarium, Rochester, New York; Past President, International Planetarium Society
  • Theodore M. Hesburgh, President, University of Notre Dame
  • Nikolai Kardashev, Space Research Institute, Academy of Sciences, Moscow, USSR
  • Philip Morrison, Physics Department, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Bernard Oliver, Vice President, Hewlett-Packard Company; Director of NASA-Ames Cyclops Project
  • Cyril Ponnamperuma, Director, Laboratory of Chemical Evolution, University of Maryland
  • Martin Rees, Director, Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge University, England
  • Carl Sagan, Director, Laboratory for Planetary Studies, Cornell University
  • Walter Sullivan, Science Editor, New York Times
  • Vasevolod S. Troitsky, Radiophysical Scientific Research Institute, Gorky, USSR
  • Sebastian von Hoerner, National Radio Astronomy Observatory


COSMIC SEARCH is published quarterly (Winter: Jan.-Feb.-Mar.;Spring: Apr.-May-June; Summer: July-Aug.-Sept.; Fall: Oct.-Nov.-Dec.) by Cosmic-Quest, Inc. Copyright © 1980 by Cosmic-Quest, Inc. All rights reserved.

Cosmic Quest, Inc., is a non-profit educational-scientific (tax-exempt) organization.

Subscription price: $10 for 4 issues in U.S. (and possessions), $13 elsewhere. Single copies: $2.50 in U.S. (and possessions), $3 elsewhere.

Address subscriptions and all other correspondence to: Radio Observatory, Box 293, Delaware, Ohio 43015.

Second-class postage is paid at Delaware, Ohio, and at additional mailing offices.

Telephone: (614) 486-6587

Opinions expressed by persons writing in COSMIC SEARCH are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial staff.

Front Cover

Communication satellite in stationary orbit. See "ABCs of Space." Courtesy TRW Corp.

Front Cover Image

Table of Contents (in magazine)

Putting Our Best Signal Forward
by Leonard David
Earth's messages to the stars.
A Speculation on the Influence of Biological Immortality on SETI
by Frank D. Drake
What if "they" are immortal?
Diana Waves Back: The First Moon Bounce
by John Kraus
For the first time a radio pulse is sent to the Moon and an echo received back.
Confronting Political Realities
by Marcia S. Smith
The Federal funding process: A SETI case history.
Strategies of Searching for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence
by Nikolai Kardashev
A fundamental approach to the basic problem.
Science Communication in the Mass Media
by Joan Lurie
Science in the News.
   More Marconi8
   Australian SETI15
   ABCs of Space16
   Coming in COSMIC SEARCH34
   Off the Shelf35
   College Courses40
   Gas is a gas41
   Norman Cousins book43
   Walter Sullivan receives awards43
   The SenTInel (SETI News)44
   Advertiser's Index48
   In Review Books 
     "New Worlds, Discoveries from Our Solar System" by Werner von Braun and Frederick I. Ordway, reviewed by Robert H. Van Horn.11
     "The Search for Life in the Universe" by Donald Goldsmith and Tobias Owen, reviewed by Frank D. Drake42
     "Fountains of Paradise" by Arthur C. Clarke, reviewed by Mirjana Gearhart.42

  • "Universal Chemical Evolution" by Robert H. Rubin
  • "Space Travel and Life" by E. J. Opik
  • "Gravity Waves for Interstellar Communication, by David H. Douglass
  • "Not As We Know It"by Isaac Asimov
  • "What Makes Atoms Tick" by Earle Holland
  • "The Recognition of Alien Biospheres" by James E. Lovelock
  • "Strategies of Searching for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence" by Nikolai Kardashev (conclusion)
  • FORUM "SETI Perspectives". Interview with Patrick Palmer and Lee Rickart
  • ABC's of Space
  • More SEnTlnel items, news reports, book reviews, college courses and many other special features.

For best papers on SETI.
    Category 1. Undergraduate students.
    Category 2. Graduate students.
    Category 3. Anyone else under 30 years of age.
Papers may be on any aspect of the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI). Papers must be double-spaced typewritten with one inch margins on 81/2 by 11 inch bond paper and less than 2000 words in length. Any illustrations must be clearly executed.

Authors of best papers will be given a COSMIC SEARCH AWARD of $100 and the paper will be published in COSMIC SEARCH. Authors should include their full address and telephone number. Authors should enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope if they wish to have their manuscripts returned.

Manuscripts may be submitted at any time. Their review is a continuous on-going process. Each article received is reviewed by a special committee and if judged worthy, either in its original form or after revisions, will be given a COSMIC SEARCH AWARD. The opinion of the committee is final.

A contestant may submit and have under review only one manuscript at a time and be eligible for only one COSMIC SEARCH AWARD in one category. However, it is possible for one person to achieve COSMIC SEARCH AWARDS sequentially in each of the three categories.

Address COSMIC SEARCH AWARD Committee, Radio Observatory, P.O. Box 293, Delaware, Ohio 43015.

Miscellaneous Quotes

The following quotes are not directly associated with any article.

Quote on page 7

Life in Space

The only ones in space
    Are the human race.
Is this true?
    If there are others, tell me who.
Are there others out there?
    If there are, tell me where.

    Greg M. Walsh
    Age 12
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Quote on page 14

Ideas always start very small, in just one human brain.
    Arno Penzias
    Nobel Laureate

Quotes on page 26

The Bean and Life in Space

It was many years ago that a very dignified and slightly belligerent Senator took himself to the Senators' Dining Room to order bean soup, only to discover that there was no bean soup on the menu.

This dereliction on the part of Senate Dining Room cooks called for an immediate declaration of war and the Senator promptly introduced a resolution to the effect that henceforth not a day should pass when the Senate was in session and the restaurant open that there would not be bean soup on the calendar. It has, therefore, become an inviolate practice and a glorious tradition that the humble little bean should always be honored.

There is much to be said for the succulent little bean. In fact, there is much to be said for any kind of a bean, be it kidney, navy, green, wax, Kentucky, chili, baked, pinto, Mexican or any other kind. Not only is it high in nutriment, but in that particular kind of nutritious value referred to as protein — the stuff that imparts energy and drive to the bean eater and particularly the Senators who need this sustaining force when they prepare for a long speech on the Senate Floor.

I venture the belief that the marathon speakers of the Senate going back as far as the day of the celebrated "Kingfish," Senator Huey Pierce Long of Louisiana, and coming down to the modern marathoners in the forensic art such as Senator Strom Thurmond of South Carolina and Senator Wayne Morse of Oregon, both of whom have spoken well in excess of twenty hours and felt no ill effects, would agree the little bean had much to do with this sustained torrent of oratory.

In my enumeration of the bean varieties, I forgot to include one of the most celebrated of all beans, namely, the soybean. Not only has this little Oriental product sustained a civilization in China for perhaps thousands of years, but it has been broken down into so many components that, like Atlas, it fairly carries the weight of the world on its tiny little shoulders.

The soybean today produces soya cake for cattle feed which is highly prized by dairymen and beef producers. Its oils are used for preparing table spreads and cooking oils. It is low in unsaturated fats and is prized by dietitians and that vast host who devote so much of a lifetime to keeping a svelte figure. Its oils are further broken down for use in house paints and the soya cake can now be compressed so hard that it makes door handles and gadgetry without number.

Some day some historical bonepicker seeking a subject for a world-shaking thesis that will live as long as Shakespeare will hit upon the lonely bean. What a welter of knowledge he will develop in his research and I am sure he will come to the conclusion that without the bean, the earth would have long since slipped out of orbit and disappeared among a galaxy inhabited by bean-eaters. Hail to the bean!

Senator Everett M. Dirksen of Illinois

Courtesy Vermont Bean Seed, Co., Manchester Center, VT 05255.

I Wonder Why I Wonder Why

I ventured this night alone
onto December's frozen meadow
where July's cows stood grazing
amid the summer's kindness
just five short months ago.
The night is black
without a moon
so deep
without a moon
and I,
a solitary pinnacle,
painted with starlight
gaze into the deep black night
and dream the untold distances
of cosmic rays in flight
from diffuse galactic nebulas
pinwheels, horse heads, crabs,
so far across the void of space,
so far away in time,
remote beyond the pyramids
and the Nile which gave them birth,
to a time so far beyond
this tiny dust speck Earth.
Ere a creature's single footstep trod
upon the distant beach of life.
Ere a creature such as I
came staring at this boundless sky
with this mind to wonder why
and also wonder
why I wonder why.

    Lucian Hunt Turner
    Original title "December Night" ©1979

You can only know where you are going if you know where you have been.
    James Burke
    in "Connections"

Miscellaneous item on page 41

GAS Is a Gas

The "Get Away Special (GAS) Experimenter Handbook" has been prepared by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to encourage the use of space by all researchers, whether organizations or private individuals in order

  • to increase knowledge of space
  • to foster enthusiasm in the younger generation
  • to generate new activities unique to space
  • to be alert to possible growth of GAS investigations into a prime experiment.
Investigators will place their experiments in a cylindrical canister about 75 centimeters long by 50 centimeters diameter and these experiments will be carried into orbit by the Space Shuttle.

An objective of the GAS program is an obvious desire to make space accessible to anyone who wants to do a legitimate, well thought-out experiment in space where you can get away from gravity.

If you are interested, write to:

    Sounding Rocket Division
    Goddard Space Flight Center
    Greenbelt, MD 20771
and request a copy of the "Get Away Special Experimenter Handbook." Who knows? Your experiment might be one of those selected to go aboard the Shuttle.


Copyright © 1980-2006 Ohio State University Radio Observatory, North American AstroPhysical Observatory (NAAPO), and Cosmic Quest, Inc.
Designed by Jerry Ehman.
Last modified: May 2, 2006.