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North American AstroPhysical Observatory (NAAPO)

Issue 2 Cover

Cosmic Search: Issue 2
(Volume 1 Number 2; March 1979)
[The letters and SETI course information was found in the magazine on page 9]

Letters; SETI Courses
By: Editors


I cannot say how pleased I am to see a regular publication devoted to the SETI problem. Since my own interest began with Walter Sullivan's book in the early '60s, it is fitting that he should have an article in your premier issue. Please enter my two year subscription. The $15 is joyously enclosed.

Gregory J. Wheeler
Los Angeles, California

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Please enter my subscription to COSMIC SEARCH for a two year period. As a student of Frank Drake I naturally am aroused by your novel magazine. In particular, your ad mentions awards for papers on SETI by students. Well, in March I completed an indirect SETI, looking for water beacons (at 1.4 centimeters) in globular clusters. The search was "indirect" in the sense that the prime motivation was astronomical. However, this constitutes the first major SETI from a large number of stars at the water line. Between Frank's latest paper on the "new" waterhole and Paul Feldman's preprint along the same lines I'm sure that it is obvious that this project has salience. The project has the name BEEHIVE and was done at the Haystack Observatory.

Chip Cohen
Cornell University
P.S. I am a second year astronomy grad student.

Dear Chip:
Why don't you submit a popular level paper on PROJECT BEEHIVE for a possible SEARCH AWARD?

Note: For more about the "new" waterhole that Chip mentions, see "The Second Waterhole" in this issue's ABCs of SETI.

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I was delighted to see your ad. I presently am offering a course on SETI with anew course starting in January. Is it possible to purchase copies of COSMIC SEARCH for my Class?
Donald J. Albers Chairman, Dept. of Mathematics
Menlo College
Menlo Park, California
Dear Professor Albers:
Yes, of course, and you will be happy to know that we have a special rate.

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Congratulations and a long life to your new publication. Please enter my two year prepaid subscription.
Jack Craig, USAF
Oregon City, Oregon

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Please send me information about your "Search Award" papers by persons under 30. Right now I'm 29 and time is running out!
Robert Sheaffer
Silver Spring, Maryland

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What an exciting, grand idea COSMIC SEARCH is!
Gail G. Even, Editor
Wethersfield, Connecticut

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SETI Courses

An increasing number of college-level courses are being given on SETI. We would like to list those institutions offering such courses in COSMIC SEARCH. If you give a SETI course please write to Prof. John Kraus, Editor of COSMIC SEARCH, O.S.U. Radio Observatory, 2015 Neil Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43210. Years given, attendance, a syllabus (if available) and other information will be appreciated.

Some Humor

Overheard one night at a California airport:
"Say, Mac, could you tell me if that's Cygnus or Orion up there?"
"Sorry, pal, I wouldn't know. I'm not from this part of the country."


Copyright © 1979-2005 Ohio State University Radio Observatory, North American AstroPhysical Observatory (NAAPO), and Cosmic Quest, Inc.
Designed by Jerry Ehman.
Last modified: October 12, 2005.